To the next tenants


The work forms a proposal, suggesting possible changes to the artist's temporary residence. This proposal aims to augment what is considered as daily life inside the apartment, and at the same time to increase the porosity of the house in terms of how it relates to the external environment.

Elements of the physical environment are manifested and mingled with the architecture of the flat. From the rain water and the earth's magnetic field, to the solar radiation and the plot of a children's book, everything is utilized to transform this house into an observatory dedicated to its future residents.

Rain gutters are crossing the apartment from side to side.

Rainwater flowing through the house could be a different way of getting information about the size and the shape of a room. The intensity and the duration of the rain indicates the time required for the water to cross the building, while the sound of the water inside the pipes echoes diversely in the rooms of the apartment.

These sounds can be compared to the corresponding sounds of other houses and going one step further, a composition of them can even emerge.

A DIY compass is placed in one of the rooms of the apartment.

If not for the intention to do a trip, and the need for orientation or exploration, what is the point of making a compass in a place that more or less you already know your position related to the geographical north? In which way the process of making an almost banal navigation tool, in a rather familiar space like your house, can still enable you to think in a time and space scale beyond your immediate experience?

Compass made by a leaf and a needle.

Two blinds, being in this apartment for at least six years, are recommended to stay on the windows also by the next residents.

The fabric of the blinds gradually changes color, as it is exposed all these years to the sunlight. In this way the blinds can be seen as two recorders of the intensity of the solar radiation that reaches them daily. It is the materiality of the fabric that can give to the blinds the property of a history keeper through the years.


Details of the curtains’ fabric.

Creation of a storybook, illustrating stories happening in the apartment.

Fictional characters are the performers of stories taking place in the house alongside the human activities. These stories offer a different sense of how time passes in the house.  

It took many years for the dragon to express its love..

Sketches for a storybook.